10 Reasons You Shouldn't Get A Cat

10 Reasons You Shouldn't Get A Cat

I love cats, and I will never hate them. I think they're purrfect. But here's a list of reasons why you should hate cats and never get one

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1. They ruin puzzles

2. They also destroy Christmas

Resultado de imagen para cats vs christmas

3.  They will scare you just for FUN

Resultado de imagen para cats scary eyes

4. They'll eat your electronics!!

5. Or just sit on them

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6. Cats hate smiling

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7. They think they belong on counters

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8. They'll destroy your curtains

Resultado de imagen para cat vs curtains

9. This is how cats drink milk

Seriously? Seriously.

10. And they show they love you... like this

Resultado de imagen para cat killed a bird


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